Eric Scott 09/07/2019

This little amp is absolutely killer !!!!!

Uncle Shaggy 02/11/2017

OMG!!! I can't say enough about this amp. I play lap steel and am a fan of Mr. Dave (Lindley). When I tried it out I plugged in my bakelite Rick steel and BANG! there was Lindley's "Running On Empty" sound. Something I have been trying to get for years. One chord and I was sold. Then I got it home and tried my Strat and Tele and was blown away again. What a great amp!

I have also had the opportunity to A B it against a Dumble ODS that a collector friend has and was truly impressed at how much it sounds like that legend. He was too,
and has also bought one.

Great Amp. Impressive build quality. A great value!

Rod Welles 19/12/2015

Really great sounding Dumble style 20 watter...great cleans and od.. Well done Nik!

Rod welles 19/12/2015

Going to be ordering one... Great little mini Dumble...very nice clean and od tones! Well done Nik

Joe Ferla 03/12/2015

I've never experienced anything like this. The amp is totally amazing. I've spent hours just checking out the clean tones and I just can't believe this thing. You hear EVERYTHING through it. The air and space around each string makes the guitar almost sound 3 dimensional. Strumming chords is a trip. It's got a drop dead gorgeous sound. It makes me want to play all of my guitars through it and hear what these instruments really sound like. And the build quality on this amp is top notch. Regarding OD, I found that bringing down the OD Trim Pot on the back considerably and cranking the level up on the front panel renders an awesome OD tone, thick with lots of sustain and nice complex harmonics. The way I have the amp set right now I can get three different OD tones. The red LED (OD) on the foot pedal gives me some nice hair on the notes. The green LED (pre-amp boost) gives me a thicker more overdriven tone. And both (green & red) give me even more. And by the way the sustain on this amp is outstanding.

A little background on me Scott. I was a recording engineer/record producer for 44 years. I'm retired now. I have 5 Grammys. I recorded John Mayer's album Continuum and worked on two of his other albums. So I have recorded John playing through his Dumble and Two Rock amps! I know first hand what they sound like and this little amp is definitely right there. So I definitely know good sound when I hear it and this amp is something really special.

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